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10 South Dakota Towns Out-Of-Staters Can't Pronounce Correctly
10 South Dakota Towns Out-Of-Staters Can't Pronounce Correctly
10 South Dakota Towns Out-Of-Staters Can't Pronounce Correctly
If you're not from South Dakota (like myself), you might have trouble pronouncing some of the unique names this state offers. But which of these is the most difficult? Here's a list of the ten towns in South Dakota that people from out of state can't pronounce.
Where Can You Find Minnesota's Biggest Tree?
Where Can You Find Minnesota's Biggest Tree?
Where Can You Find Minnesota's Biggest Tree?
If you're taking a stroll through a Minnesota forest, you're likely to spot Cedar, Pine, Spruce, and Northern Red Oak trees. However, the biggest tree in the entire state belongs to none of those species, but rather from a branch (no pun intended) of the family. And where it's located will also surprise you.

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